Last Month Montana was #1 …in COVID transmissions.
Posted over 3 years ago
Last Month Montana was #1
…in COVID transmissions.
My fellow PAs, sadly last month Montana was ranked the #1 state in COVID transmissions. Other states have since surpassed us, and luckily our numbers are trending down, but now is not the time to back off! We have access to a safe and effective vaccine that is available to all adults and children 5 years and older. Now is the time to act for the welfare of our patients.
It doesn’t matter what field you work in- if you have ANY patient contact, you have an opportunity to encourage our fellow Montanans to get vaccinated. Sharing information about the vaccine is as important as administering the vaccine.
Quick and easy ways to share information:
Reassure our patients that the vaccine is safe and effective with a very low rate of adverse or life-threatening reactions.
Direct patients to to find local vaccine sites. Extra credit if you make up a list to show or give to your patients!
If you’re in a specialty, direct the patients back to their primary care team to answer questions and get them vaccinated.
I know that this is has unfortunately become a politically charged discussion. I know that we are already busy and overwhelmed with everything we are trying to do, BUT this only takes a few minutes. Plant the vaccination seed and keep the lines of communication open for your patients to return and ask questions.
PAs across the state, in the emergency rooms, hospitals, urgent cares, etc. NEED OUR HELP. A vaccinated patient is significantly less likely to have to be seen in the ER or UC and MUCH less likely be admitted to the hospital. Let’s help continue the downward trend, or better yet, end this pandemic all together!
If you need more information, please reach out. We want to support you the way YOU have supported Montana health care over the past (almost) 2 years.
Remember the Montana Medical Association (MMA) has a FREE CME series every 2 weeks- all PAs are invited! Included in the CME are COVID updates and presentations on COVID-related issues. Check out our website for details and links to register!
Megan Zawacki, PA-C
MTAPA President